Ars Arcanum
A podcast exploring Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere books!
2 years ago

S2E2 - The Final Empire Ch. 3-5: One Of The More Powerful Varieties Of Wife Guy

We're baaack! And recording from abroad! So if we sound different that's why. This time around we get to learn more about Allomancy and Kelsier, as well as see Brandon do his best to write about the fear of abuse from the perspective of a teenage girl. Why the FUCK is Kelsier barefoot?

You can find Nora on twitter @NeitherNora and you can find more of zir work on

You can find Mark on twitter @charaznablunt and his other podcast Higgledy-Piggledy Whale Statements on the Abnormal Mapping podcast network!

You can find Autumn on twitter @autumnal_coffee and you can find their other podcasts at!

You can also get access to episodes of this podcast early by giving us a single dollar on the patreon!

Music on this episode was Industrial Revolution by Kevin MacLeod

Next time we will be reading chapters 6-8 of Mistborn: The Final Empire!